WEGE KLINIK – Wissend (Knowledgeable). Empathisch (Empathetic) Gemeinsam (Together)

The principles of our daily work are leading medical care in general and tumour therapy in particular into a future characterised by highly professional methodology and empathetic cooperation. With the knowledge and experience of our experts behind us, we are breaking new ground in radiation oncology and radiology, exploring the limits of what is possible in neuroradiology and ensuring the best possible care for seriously ill patients in our palliative care programme.
WEGE Klinik

The philosophy behind our daily work, is behind our name WEGE:

Wissend (Knowledgeable)

Medical care at the WEGE Klinik is based on excellent expertise and the valuable wealth of experience gained from years of research and treatment. This is the only way to achieve therapies with the best prospects of recovery and the necessary precision and safety. You are always in the very best hands with our experts.

Empathisch (Empathetic)

People, with their individual character and their physical and psychological circumstances, are at the centre of everything we do. With the utmost care and humanity, we look after the well-being of each individual and accompany them both medically and emotionally throughout their time in our clinic and often beyond.

Gemeinsam (Together)

When you combine your strengths, you can achieve great things. Our experts specialise in different areas. For you, this means that you can rely on our interdisciplinary expertise. Thanks to short communication channels and direct dialogue, we can find quick, well-founded solutions
even for complex issues. Our patients are always informed about the advantages and risks of the therapeutic options together, across the boundaries of the individual disciplines. We meet our patients on equal terms when making shared decisions.

Engagiert (Committed)

We recognise our responsibility to all those involved and do everything we can to take healthcare in the region to a new level. Because only by acting with passion and care in accordance with the latest medical knowledge can we fulfil our and our patients’ requirements at all times.

The best treatment for you - far beyond the usual standards.

Your needs take centre stage

The best treatment for you – far beyond the usual standards.

Staying in a clinic is not an experience that patients want. But being in the WEGE Klinik can mean the first step towards a new life – and we give our all every day to try to make it happen. High-precision diagnostic procedures ensure customised forms of therapy that go far beyond the mere treatment of the physical illness.

At the WEGE Klinik, the well-being of our patients is very important to us. In addition to the effective treatment of tumours, this also includes the accompanying symptoms of a psychological and social nature in order to sustainably improve quality of life. 

We therefore also offer you cancer therapy:

  • Psychological support
  • Social support
  • A special health training programme

Treatment at the WEGE Klinik is possible if you have statutory or private health insurance. The therapy concepts at the WEGE Klinik are offered both on an inpatient basis and, in cooperation with the WEGE MVZ on an outpatient basis.

Contact us

Our professionals for your health

Prof. Dr. med. Michael Pinkawa

Facharzt für Strahlentherapie | Ärztlicher Leiter MVZ

Prof. Dr. med. Attila Kovács

Chefarzt für diagnostische und interventionelle Radiologie und Neuroradiologie

Dr. med. Henning Cuhls

Chefarzt für Palliativmedizin

Dr. med. Susanne Temming

Leitende Oberärztin für Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie

Dr. med. Peter Bischoff

Leitender Oberarzt für diagnostische und interventionelle Radiologie und Neuroradiologie

Lucia Fiedler-Reinhart

Leitende Oberärztin für Palliativmedizin

Dr. med. Ludmila Cronenberg

Oberärztin für Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie

Andreas Schäfer

Oberarzt für diagnostische und interventionelle Radiologie und Neuroradiologie

Stephan Kuhl

Oberarzt für Palliativmedizin

Dr. med. Ali Rashid

Oberarzt für Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie

Our cooperation partners in WEGE MVZ

PD Dr. med. Azize Boström

Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Fachärztin für Neurochirurgie

Prof. Dr. med. Jan Boström

Facharzt für Neurochirurgie und Strahlentherapie

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New ways - in the tradition of Robert Janker

We are pioneers in modern cancer therapy. With an eye on the future, we are taking revolutionary paths in healthcare. At the same time, however, we are naturally also committed to the long-standing tradition that goes hand in hand with these premises in the heart of Bonn. After all, this clinic was long known as the Robert Janker Clinic for its excellent radiotherapy, and as the WEGE KLINIK we carry on this legacy with great responsibility.

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