After your stay at the WEGE KLINIK
What you should know after your time with us
Your treatment is complete. Your stay at our clinic is over. What happens now? What do you need to consider afterwards? Of course, we have less influence on your future health than during your stay, but even after our time together in Bonn, it is important to us to prepare you as well as possible for the time afterwards. This includes the prescription of accompanying medication, support with further medical care or psychological counselling to ensure a smooth adjustment to your everyday life at home.
Your discharge from the WEGE KLINIK
After your time in our clinic, we can well understand if you are looking forward to going home. Discharge is always a proud moment for us too, because the treatment is complete and you have hopefully regained a great deal of quality of life. Together with our doctors, carers and social services, we prepare everything for the time after your hospital stay.
That means:
- We explain what you need to look out for in the coming weeks and months.
- We may prescribe medication for you to take at home.
- We will refer you to other clinics or care facilities for further treatment or rehabilitation measures.
- We will put you in touch with therapists or self-help groups for psychological aftercare.
- We provide support with any applications for health or care insurance.
We will clarify all of this with you following your treatment with us.
We are here for you
Our discharge management team will help you at any time with any questions you may have about your time after your hospitalisation, refer you to other medical practices or clinics for further treatment if necessary or issue you with the necessary certificates for your everyday life. Whatever is on your mind: we will be happy to help you.