Prof. Dr. med. Michael Pinkawa

Facharzt für Strahlentherapie


Phone +49 228 5306-101

Fax '+49 228 5306-102





Fachexperte für die Zertifizierung von Prostatakarzinomzentren und onkologischen Zentren der Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft Mitglied im Ausschuss Zertifikatserteilung für Organzentren der Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe Prostatakarzinom der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie Experte der S3-Leitlinie Prostatakarzinom SpaceOAR Advisory Board (Firma Boston Scientific)




FA (Facharzt) Radiologie

Robert Janker Klinik Dauer: 60 Monate



1991 - 1998
Studium der Humanmedizin an der RWTH Aachen und King’s College London/England

Klinischer/Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

1998 - 2004
Assistenzarzt in der Klinik für Strahlentherapie und der Klinik für Radiologische Diagnostik im Universitätsklinikum der RWTH Aachen
Facharzt für Strahlentherapie
2004 - 2017
Oberarzt in der Klinik für Strahlentherapie im Universitätsklinikum der RWTH Aachen
Habilitation („Optimierung der perkutanen Radiotherapie und der Brachytherapie bei der Behandlung des Prostatakarzinoms“)
2008 - 2017
leitender Oberarzt und stellvertretender Klinikdirektor in der Klinik für Strahlentherapie im Universitätsklinikum der RWTH Aachen
Ernennung zum außerplanmäßigen Professor
Chefarzt Klinik für Radioonkologie und Strahlentherapie an der Robert Janker Klinik Bonn, Ärztlicher Leiter MVZ Bonn mit voller Weiterbildung im Fach Strahlentherapie
Ruf auf die W3-Professur für Strahlentherapie und Onkologie an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (abgelehnt)


Pinkawa M, Gagel B, Demirel C, Schmachtenberg A, Asadpour B, Eble MJ. Dose-volume histogram evaluation of prone and supine patient position in external beam radiotherapy for cervical and endometrial cancer.

Radiother Oncol 2003;69:99-105.


Pinkawa M, Maurer U, Mulhern A, Gagel B, Block T, Borchers H, Grieger J, Henkel T, Eble MJ. Inverse automated treatment planning with and without individual optimization in interstitial permanent prostate brachytherapy with high- and low-activity 125I.

Strahlenther Onkol 2003;179:417-422.


Borchers H, Kirschner-Hermanns R, Brehmer B, Tietze L, Reineke T, Pinkawa M, Eble MJ, Jakse G. Permanent 125I-seed brachytherapy or radical prostatectomy: a prospective comparison considering oncological and quality of life results.

BJU Int 2004;94:805-811.


Gagel B, Reinartz P, Dimartino E, Zimny M, Pinkawa M, Maneschi P, Stanzel S, Hamacher K, Coenen HH, Westhofen M, Bull U, Eble MJ. pO(2) Polarography versus positron emission tomography ([(18)F] fluoromisonidazole, [(18)F]-2-fluoro-2'-deoxyglucose). An appraisal of radiotherapeutically relevant hypoxia.

Strahlenther Onkol 2004;180:616-622.


Pinkawa M, Fischedick K, Asadpour B, Gagel B, Piroth MD, Eble MJ. Low-grade toxicity after conformal radiation therapy for prostate cancer - impact of bladder volume.

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2006;64:835-841.


Pinkawa M, Fischedick K, Treusacher P, Asadpour B, Gagel B, Piroth MD, Borchers H, Jakse G, Eble MJ. Dose-volume impact in high-dose-rate iridium-192 brachytherapy as a boost to external beam radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer - a phase II study.

Radiother Oncol 2006;78:41-46.


Pinkawa M, Asadpour B, Gagel B, Piroth MD, Holy R, Eble MJ. Prostate position variability and dose-volume histograms in radiotherapy for prostate cancer with full and empty bladder.

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2006;64:856-861.


Pinkawa M, Fischedick K, Piroth MD, Gagel B, Borchers H, Jakse G, Eble MJ. Health-related quality of life after permanent interstitial brachytherapy for prostate cancer - correlation with postimplant CT scan parameters.

Strahlenther Onkol 2006;182:660-665.


Pinkawa M, Fischedick K, Gagel B, Piroth MD, Borchers H, Jakse G, Eble MJ. Association of neoadjuvant hormonal therapy with adverse health-related quality-of-life after permanent I-125 brachytherapy for localized prostate cancer.

Urology 2006;68:104-109.


Pinkawa M, Gagel B, Piroth MD, Borchers H, Jakse G, Eble MJ. Changes of dose delivery distribution within the first month after permanent interstitial brachytherapy for prostate cancer.

Strahlenther Onkol 2006;182:525-530.


Pinkawa M, Siluschek J, Gagel B, Demirel C, Asadpour B, Holy R, Eble MJ. Influence of the initial rectal distension on posterior margins in primary and postoperative radiotherapy for prostate cancer.

Radiother Oncol 2006;81:284-290.


Gagel B, Reinartz P, Demirel C, Kaiser HJ, Zimny M, Piroth MD, Pinkawa M, Stanzel S, Asadpour B, Hamacher K, Coenen HH, Buell U, and Eble MJ. [18F] fluoromisonidazol and [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in response evaluation after chemo-/radiotherapy of non-small-cell lung cancer: a feasibility study.

BMC Cancer 2006;6:51.


Gagel B, Piroth MD, Pinkawa M, Reinartz P, Zimny M, Fischedick K, Stanzel S, Breuer C, Skobel S, Asadpour B, Schmachtenberg A, Buell U, and Eble M J. Gemcitabine concurrent with thoracic radiotherapy after induction chemotherapy with gemcitabine/vinorelbine in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer.

Strahlenther Onkol 2006; 182:263-269.


Gagel B, Dimartino E, Schramm O, Pinkawa M, Piroth MD, Demirel C, Maneschi P, Stanzel S, Asadpour B, Westhofen M, Eble M.J. Contrast enhanced colour duplex sonography (CDS): an alternative for the evaluation of therapy-relevant tumour oxygenation?

Strahlenther Onkol 2006;182:604-609.


Pinkawa M, Fischedick K, Piroth MD, Gagel B, Borchers H, Jakse G, Eble MJ. Prostate-specific antigen kinetics following brachytherapy or external beam radiotherapy and neoadjuvant hormonal therapy.

Urology 2007;69:129-133.


Pinkawa M, Siluschek J, Gagel B, Piroth MD., Demirel C, Asadpour B, Eble MJ. Postoperative radiotherapy for prostate cancer – evaluation of target motion and treatment techniques (intensity modulated versus conformal radiotherapy).

Strahlenther Onkol 2007;183:23-29.


Pinkawa M, Asadpour B, Siluschek J, Gagel B, Piroth MD, Demirel C, Eble MJ. Bladder extension variability during pelvic external beam radiotherapy with a full or empty bladder.

Radiother Oncol 2007;83:613-167.


Pinkawa M, Asadpour B, Gagel B, Piroth MD, Borchers H, Jakse G, Eble MJ. Evaluation of source displacement and dose-volume changes after permanent prostate brachytherapy with stranded seeds.

Radiother Oncol 2007;84:190-196.


Gagel B, Demirel C, Kientopf A, Pinkawa M, Piroth MD, Stanzel S, Breuer C, Asadpour B, Jansen T, Holy R, Wildberger J, Eble MJ. Active breathing control (ABC): determination and reduction of breathing induced organ motion in the chest.

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2007;67:742-749.


Gagel B, Piroth MD, Pinkawa M, Reinartz P, Krohn T, Kaiser HJ, Stanzel S, Breuer C, Asadpour B, Schmachtenberg A, Eble MJ. Sequential (gemcitabine/vinorelbine) and concurrent (gemcitabine) radio-/chemotherapy with FDG-PET-based target volume definition in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: first results of a phase I/II study.

BMC Cancer 2007;7:112.


Gagel B, Piroth MD, Pinkawa M, Reinartz P, Zimny M, Kaiser HJ, Stanzel S, Asadpour B, Demirel C, Hamacher K, Coenen HH, Scholbach T, Maneschi P, DiMartino E, Eble MJ. pO2 polarography, contrast enhanced color duplex sonography (CDS), [18F] fluoroimisonidazole and [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography: validated methods for the evaluation of therapy-relevant tumor oxygenation or only bricks in the puzzle of tumor hypoxia?

BMC Cancer 2007;7:113.


Piroth MD, Gagel B, Pinkawa M, Stanzel S, Asadpour B, Eble MJ. Postoperative radiotherapy of glioblastoma multiforme: analysis and critical assessment of different treatment strategies and predictive factors.

Strahlenther Onkol 2007;183:695-702.


Pinkawa M, Fischedick K, Asadpour B, Gagel B, Piroth MD, Nussen, Eble MJ. Toxicity profile with a large prostate volume after external beam radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer.

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2008;70:83-89.


Pinkawa M, Fischedick K, Asadpour B, Gagel B, Piroth M, Holy R, Krenkel B, Eble MJ. Health-related quality of life after adjuvant and salvage radiotherapy for prostate cancer – a prospective analysis.

Radiother Oncol 2008; 88:135-139.


Pinkawa M, Gagel B, Asadpour B, Piroth MD, Klotz J, Borchers H, Jakse G, Eble MJ. Seed displacements after permanent brachytherapy for prostate cancer in dependence on the prostate level.

Strahlenther Onkol 2008;184:520-525.


Pinkawa M, Pursch-Lee M, Asadpour B, Gagel B, Piroth MD, Klotz J, Nussen S, Eble MJ. Image-guided radiotherapy for prostate cancer. Implementation of ultrasound-based prostate localization for the analysis of inter- and intrafraction organ motion.

Strahlenther Onkol 2008;184:679-685.


Kirschner-Hermanns R, Brehmer B, Borchers H, Kahle C Eble MJ, Reineke T, Jakse G, Pinkawa M. Do patients with urodynamically proven infravesical obstruction and detrusor overactivity have a higher risk for long term bothersome symptoms after brachytherapy in comparison to patients treated with radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer?

Curr Urol 2008;2:135-141.


Piroth MD, Pinkawa M, Gagel B, Stanzel S, Asadpour B, Eble MJ. Sequencing chemotherapy and radiotherapy in locoregional advanced breast cancer patients after mastectomy – a retrospective analysis.

BMC Cancer 2008;8:114.


Volz-Sidiropoulou E, Pinkawa M, Fischedick K, Jakse G, Gauggel S, Eble MJ. Factor analysis of the expanded prostate cancer index composite (EPIC) in a patient group after primary (external beam radiotherapy and permanent iodine-125 brachytherapy) and postoperative radiotherapy for prostate cancer.

Curr Urol 2008;2:122-129.


Pinkawa M, Gagel B, Piroth MD, Fischedick K, Asadpour B, Kehl M, Klotz J, Eble MJ. Erectile dysfunction after external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer.

Eur Urol 2009;55:227-236.


Pinkawa M, Asadpour B, Piroth MD, Gagel B, Nussen S, Kehl M, Borchers H, Jakse G, Eble MJ. Health-related quality of life after permanent I-125 brachytherapy and conformal external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer – a matched-pair comparison.

Radiother Oncol 2009;91:225-231.


Pinkawa M, Asadpour B, Piroth MD, Gagel B, Klotz J, Fischedick K, Borchers H, Jakse G, Eble MJ. Rectal dosimetry following prostate brachytherapy with stranded seeds – comparison of transrectal ultrasound intra-operative planning (day 0) and computed tomography-postplanning (day 1 vs day 30) with special focus on sourced placed close to the rectal wall.

Radiother Oncol 2009;91:207-212.


Pinkawa M, Piroth MD, Asadpour B, Gagel B, Fischedick K, Siluschek J, Kehl M, Krenkel B, Eble MJ. Neoadjuvant hormonal therapy and external beam radiotherapy versus external beam radiotherapy alone for prostate cancer – a quality of life analysis.

Strahlenther Onkol 2009;185:101-108.


Pinkawa M, Attieh C, Piroth MD, Holy R, Nussen S, Klotz J, Hawickhorst R, Schäfer W, Eble MJ. Dose-escalation using intensity-modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer – evaluation of the dose distribution with and without 18F-choline PET-CT detected simultaneous integrated boost.

Radiother Oncol 2009;93:213-219.


Pinkawa M, Piroth MD, Fischedick K, Holy R, Klotz J, Nussen S, Krenkel B, Eble MJ. Impact of the target volume (prostate alone vs. prostate with seminal vesicles) and fraction dose (1.8 Gy vs. 2.0 Gy) on quality of life changes after external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer.

Strahlenther Onkol 2009; 185:724-730.


Pinkawa M, Fischedick K, Gagel B, Piroth MD, Asadpour B, Klotz J, Borchers H, Jakse G, Eble MJ. Impact of age and comorbidities on health-related quality of life for patients with prostate cancer: evaluation before a curative treatment.

BMC Cancer 2009;9:296.


Pinkawa M, Piroth MD, Fischedick K, Nussen S, Klotz J, Holy R, Eble MJ. Self-assessed bowel toxicity after external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer - predictive factors on irritative symptoms, incontinence and rectal bleeding.

Radiation Oncology 2009;4:36.


Piroth MD, Piroth DM, Pinkawa M, Woodruff SG, Holy R, Eble MJ. Immediate reconstruction with an expander/implant following ablation mammae because of breast cancer: side effects and cosmetic results after adjuvant chest wall radiotherapy.

Strahlenther Onkol 2009;185:669-674.


Piroth MD, Pinkawa M, Holy R, Stoffels G, Demirel C, Attieh C, Kaiser HJ, Langen KJ, Eble MJ. Integrated-boost IMRT or 3-D-CRT using FET-PET based auto-contoured target volume delineation for glioblastoma multiforme.

Radiat Oncol 2009;4:57.


Pinkawa M, Piroth MD, Holy B, Klotz J, Nussen S, Borchers H, Heidenreich A, Eble MJ. Rectal morbidity following permanent interstitial brachytherapy for prostate cancer – impact of day 1 vs. day 30 computed tomography post-implant dosimetry.

Brachytherapy 2010;9:1-7.


Pinkawa M, Piroth MD, Holy R, Fischedick K, Schaar S, Dalma Székely-Orbán, Eble MJ. Consequential late effects after radiotherapy for prostate cancer – a prospective longitudinal quality of life study.

Radiat Oncol 2010;5:27.


Pinkawa M, Piroth MD, Holy R, Fischedick K, Schaar S, Borchers H, Heidenreich A, Eble MJ. Prostate-specific antigen kinetics following external beam radiotherapy and temporary (Ir-192) or permanent (I-125) brachytherapy for prostate cancer.

Radiother Oncol 2010;96:25-29.


Pinkawa M, Holy R, Piroth MD, Klotz J, Schaar S, Krohn T, Mottaghy FM, Weibrecht M, Eble MJ. Intensity-modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer implementing molecular imaging with 18F-choline PET-CT to define a simultaneous integrated boost.

Strahlenther Onkol 2010;186:600-606.


Piroth MD, Heindrichs U, Pinkawa M, Piroth DM, Schmachtenberg A, Holy R, Perez-Bouza A, Maass N, Eble MJ. Intraoperative Radiotherapie (IORT) des Mammakarzinoms mit Elektronen – eigene Erfahrungen, aktuelle Aspekte und Literaturübersicht.

Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2010;70:219-225.


Pinkawa M, Piroth MD, Holy R, Fischedick K, Klotz J, Székely-Orbán D, Eble MJ. Quality of life after whole pelvic versus prostate only external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer – a matched-pair comparison.

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2011;81:23-28.


Pinkawa M, Holy R, Piroth MD, Klotz J, Pfister D, Heidenreich A, Eble MJ. Interpreting the clinical significance of quality of life score changes after radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer.

Curr Urol 2011;5:137-144.


Pinkawa M, Piroth MD, Holy R, Djukic V, Klotz J, Krenkel B, Eble MJ. Combination of dose escalation with technological advances (intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy) is not associated with increased morbidity for patients with prostate cancer.

Strahlenther Onkol 2011;187:479-484.


Pinkawa M, Escobar Corral N, Caffaro M, Piroth MD, Holy R, Djukic V, Otto G, Schoth F, Eble MJ. Application of a spacer gel to optimize three-dimensional conformal and intensity modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer.

Radiother Oncol 2011;100:436-441.


Holy R, Pitoth MD, Pinkawa M, Eble MJ. Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for treatment of adrenal metastases from non-small cell lung cancer.

Strahlenther Onkol 2011;187:245-251.


Peinemann F, Grouven U, Bartel C, Hemkens LG, Borchers H, Pinkawa M, Heidenreich A, Sauerland S. Low-dose rate brachytherapy for men with localized prostate cancer.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011;7:CD008871.


Peinemann F, Grouven U, Bartel C, Sauerland S, Borchers H, Pinkawa M, Heidenreich A, Lange S. Permanent interstitial low-dose rate brachytherapy for patients with localized prostate cancer: a systematic review of randomised and nonrandomised controlled clinical trials.

Eur Urol 2011;60:881-893.


Piroth MD, Pinkawa M, Holy R, Kaiser HJ, Klotz J, Schaar S, Stoffels G, Coenen HH, Langen KJ, Eble MJ. Integrated-boost IMRT or 3-D-CRT using FET-PET based auto-contoured target volume delineation for glioblastoma multiforme.

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2011;80:176-184.


Piroth MD, Holy R, Pinkawa M, Stoffels G, Kaiser HJ, Gallsiks N, Herzog H, Coenen HH, Eble MJ, Langen KJ. Prognostic impact of postoperative, pre-irradiation 18F-fluoroethyl-L-tyrosine uptake in glioblastoma patients treated with radiochemotherapy.

Radiother Oncol 2011;99:218-224.


Pinkawa M, Piroth MD, Holy R, Klotz J, Djukic V, Escobar Corral N, Caffaro M, Winz OH, Krohn T, Mottaghy FM, Eble MJ. Dose-escalation using intensity-modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer – evaluation of quality of life with and without 18F-choline PET-CT detected simultaneous integrated boost.

Radiat Oncol 2012;7:14.


Pinkawa M, Holy R, Piroth MD, Klotz J, Pfister D, Heidenreich A, Eble MJ. Urinary morbidity after permanent prostate brachytherapy – impact of dose to the urethra vs. sources placed in close vicinity to the urethra.

Radiother Oncol 2012;103:247-251.


Brzozowska K, Pinkawa M, Eble MJ, Müller WU, Wojcik A, Kriehuber R, Schmitz S. In vivo versus in vitro individual radiosensitivity analysed in healthy donors and in prostate cancer patients with and without severe side effects after radiotherapy.

Int J Radiat Biol 2012;88:405-113.

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